A Pandemic in the Digital Age
By: Michael Saba, President, Saba Studios
Who would have ever thought that our generation would experience a global pandemic? It’s certainly not something we ever took too seriously. I mean, sure it may have briefly crossed our mind after watching movies like Outbreak, Contagion or even World War Z, but certainly nothing we lost sleep over. At least I didn’t. But here we are, in quarantine as we wait for the curve to flatten.
With the majority of the workforce stuck at home, people have found themselves telecommuting. Companies across the globe realized that the ‘show must go on’ and have taken the necessary measures to equip their employees to work from home. Most companies provide VPN access, which allows employees to login into the company network and plug away, just as if they were sitting in their cubicle. Meetings are now held online using live streaming video applications, such as Skype, Zoom and many other popular platforms. Schools are doing much of the same. Classes are conducted online and teachers are providing online homework and exams. In addition, the majority of consumers are purchasing everything online, from groceries to exercise equipment to toilet paper (don’t get me started on that toilet paper).
It made me think … in a pandemic, where would we be if we weren’t living in this digital age? I mean, how would we have managed to continue working? How would students continue their education? With all the social distancing, how would families see one another? How would hospitalized patients get to visit family and friends? Indeed it’s a sobering thought, to think that without the internet and streaming applications, life would just about come to a complete halt. No work. No school. No Face Time. No online purchases. No way of sending or receiving documents (except for snail mail).
We are very fortunate to live in an era that provides the technology that keeps us all connected. It’s a blessing that is greatly unappreciated. I believe this is overlooked especially by millennials and generation Z because they have never known any different. They were practically born with smartphones and tablets in their hands and can’t comprehend life without them.
As for us, here at Saba Studios, though we are affected by social distancing (I prefer to call it what it really is – physical distancing), most of our workflow is unaffected by the pandemic. The nature of our pipeline has always been online. Whether it’s an animation, interactive or web, we post content online for client review and feedback (which is also reciprocated using online platforms). Because of the nature of what we do, our business continues to run seamlessly. We are blessed to be a digital media company in such a circumstance.
It will be interesting to see what innovations spawn, post pandemic. I have no doubt that new solutions will be introduced to further streamline and simplify remote operations and communication for businesses and consumers. I believe this journey will better prepare us for future situations, in which we will continue to heavily rely on digital media and communications, to stay in touch with one another and keep the world moving forward.
This is truly an unprecedented time for every living human being on earth and we have much to learn from it. Looking at the glass as half full, this is an opportunity to spend quality time with the loved ones we’re quarantined with. This is the time to accomplish all those things we set aside for weeks, months or even years. Maybe even the time to uncover hidden talents.
This too shall pass and when it does, we will all go back to living ‘normal’ lives again. People will go to the movies, take vacations, drive into work and visit malls. But until then, I choose to enjoy the gift of time and spend it with my loved ones. Heck, I may finally clean out that garage too.
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