Get Out the Way, Mooove!
Well, the time has come. It’s been a sweet 11 years in our beloved studio, but it’s time to move on. We certainly will miss this place, as we have a decade’s worth of growth and fond memories here. Not to mention the cool and mysterious atmosphere with the halogen lights which accentuated our super heroes’ silhouettes. But no worries, the heroes are coming with us.
Our new digs is very different from what we’ve been used to for the past decade. We are moving into a condo. Yup, a grade “A” business-class condominium with a six-hole putting green just outside our office. No more parking in a garage and shuffling 10 minutes to the office. No more waiting for elevators and making frequent stops along the way. No more sharing restrooms with strangers. No more neighbors complaining that we’re being too loud (but what do you expect when you move next to a studio full of artists???).
Yes, indeed the landscape has changed quite a bit for us. Our new home looks like … well, a home! The atmosphere is quite laid back. Coming into the office now is like taking a pleasant stroll through a neighborhood. We find ourselves waiving and chatting with our neighbors as we make our way in. There’s something about this place that has a real calmness to it and we’re absolutely loving it.
Our studio has relocated to Missouri City, which is just 10 minutes away from or previous location in Stafford. We have lots of eatery surrounding us, including a YMCA and a walking trail. Not a bad deal at all.
Can’t wait to jump in and start doing what we do best. Hope to see all our great clients and peeps at our new digs real soon. Until then, we have MUCH unpacking to do!
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