Saba Studios Rebrands Christmas!
For over a decade, we’ve made countless calls and sent hundreds of emails to the North Pole, in effort to lock in a meeting with Santa. We’ve gotten nothing but push back and roadblocks from his PR elves. We were on the brink of throwing in the towel, until just a few days ago, when the phone rang. It was ‘the call’.
One of Santa’s executive elves, said the the big man himself was ready to meet and hear what we had to say. We couldn’t believe it. We were so excited that we found it nearly impossible to contain ourselves and remain professional over the phone, but we pulled it together. Though we were really pushing to meet in the North Pole, we gave in and agreed to meet Santa at our studio. Yes, Santa himself, was coming to Saba Studios!
So this year, instead of sending our beloved clients a lame Christmas email greeting or some boring Christmas card, we decided to let you in on our meeting with Santa and hear our pitch to rebrand Christmas. Yes, we are pushing to upgrade the look and feel of our favorite holiday!
So grab a beverage and sit back and relax, as you watch our genius pitch and hear what Santa had to say about it.
Click here to watch the video.
And after you’ve watched the video, click here to visit HoHoHoHoHoHoHo.com and see the final outcome of our meeting!
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